We left Londrina heading east, feeling a bit jaded due to food related technical issues and a general lack of sleep, but rally drivers are a tough breed so we soldiered on...
Brazil has turned out to be a lot more civilised than we expected, more organised and neat and tidy, in fact very European in it's appearance. If it wasn't for the palm trees and the glorious wall to wall sunshine every day, you could imagine you are in England. There is no sign of a recession here, most of the people look well to do and business like. It is getting hotter the further east we go, well over 30 degrees in the afternoon now, some like it hot.
Our afternoon time control yesterday was in a big garage forecourt and half the town came out to greet us, the local classic car club was there in force with a wide variety of unusual cars. There was a TV crew doing a piece for the evening news slot, I was interviewed by a rather fetching young lady who was interested in our car, one of the most famous rally cars in the world, so I told her. Must have been a slow news day and she looked a bit tired by it all. She did about four takes as a fly kept landing on her nose.
Our hotel tonight is a small but friendly spot own by a bloke called Carlos, they all seem to be called Carlos, he has a small collection of cars on display around the place with pride of place going to a Brazilian built Bardahl in the reception area which seems to be made of Corian worktop material.
I can hear roars of laughter coming from the bar, where they apparently serve wonderful Caparinho's. Must go.
Tomorrow Rio de Janeiro!
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