When we checked the results last night we were disappointed to see we have dropped even further down the order, this is mainly because we made a bit of a monkeys breakfast of the navigation and have accumulated something like 22 minutes of penalties, despite my wise observations and sensible suggestions. The combination of maps, road-book and GPS is quite tricky and one really has to concentrate not to make make mistakes, perhaps there lies the problem. Hey ho, there's a long way to go yet and we are starting to get the hang of the technical stuff, however we have concluded that just going flat out is more fun.
Today has been a longish, fairly boring day, 747 kms, mainly on long flat straight tarmac roads across barren and bleak scrubland. The further south we go the less populated and more remote it gets. More and more frequently the road goes into dusty tracks which are quite wide and smooth. We are expecting the terrain to become more challenging soon as we start to head west towards Chile. We are a long way south now, down on the Atlantic coast in Patagonia, tomorrow is a rest day with the possibility to go on a trip to see whales and penguins! Stay tuned.
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